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August 20, 2010


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Angela Weinzierl

I am so excited you came up with this idea. I have all my childhood photos plus a ton of heritage ones and just wasn't sure what to do with them either! I started on my list yesterday and plan to finish it up today. Can't wait for your post tomorrow!


Thanks so much for sharing this idea and giving details that can help with the process. This is exactly what I need right now--a way to pull me back through my life and get me out of the funk that I'm in right now. I have this drive/need to make sure my stories get told for my kids (like you), and I think this will be a great way to move through that project. Thanks again.


Hi Jen,
Thank you for sharing this great idea, and your process as you go through it. I wrote a list of 50 moments that have changed my life, 100 wasn't seeming like it was happening, and I am okay with that. I can always add to it-I'm in my early 30s so hopefully have many more years and moments to come. I started at the beginning like you, but would go back and add events as they came.

tracy kaufman

What a wonderful approach. I will be following along in hopes of doing my own book. I have so many family pictures and like you had no idea where to start.

Laura T.

I LOVE this idea and you have inspired me to sit down and write down at least 50 moments that changed my life ... have that on my to-do list for this week. Are these layouts going to be put in it's own album?

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We got lucky with the weather, and so many people told us we had to visit Derrynane, so we were thrilled to include it in our renewals.

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This Girls Story

  • Girl goes to college. Girl gets two degrees. Girl becomes school teacher. Girl gets married. Girl has three baby girls! Girl starts scrapbooking. Girl becomes stay at home mom. Girl becomes a product designer and consultant. Girl teaches scrapbooking. Girl is happy with life... the story continues, what's next?

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Big Picture Scrapbooking

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